Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The posibility of Conspiricy of the Moon Landing.

On July 20th 1969 Two astronauts by the names of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first human begins to set foot on the lunar surface for the first time in all of mankind. Many people back on Earth were glued to their TV's as they witnessed the first Americans to set foot on the soft lunar surface but while many people were excited to see such a thing happening others became suspicious. Some thought even up till today that the landing was a fake and all was a hoax put on by the US government but was it really? As the cold war was raging there was a phenomenon going on called the "Space Race". The space Race was between the US and the USSR in the 1950s the Soviets set the pressure by launching Sputnik the first ever built probe built by anyone to be launched into space. The US answered their call by launching the Apollo Missions. The Apollo missions were a series of programs that were able to make the US capable of launching probes into space and launching people into space as well. And in 1969 the World became shocked as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong boarded Apollo 11 and landed on the moon in their probes. In every television set across the nation many heard the first words of Armstrong describing the surface and the feeling of it and as everybody listened to that they also cheered realizing that they have achieved the impossible they launched humans into space. But with the corruption of the government of the US at the time many theorists made a suggestion that the moon landing was a fake but instead a hoax put on by the government to draw peoples attention away from the nuclear threat that was going on during the cold war. But on July 20th 1969 Neil Armstrong and the rest of the crew landed safely in their module in the Pacific ocean after re entering the atmosphere. Many thought that since it was being shot live on camera many thought that all of this was acting and it is happening inside a studio in California or something like that. But really even up to this day in many interviews Armstrong and Aldrin both replied the same thing that the moon landing did occur at that time and was not a hoax put up by the government. Many consider the moon landing fake even many consider it to not have happened at all. But even today many have said the moon landing was the greatest achievement that mankind has ever done and in the words of Neil Armstrong "One small step for man, and one giant step for mankind"

Black Holes

Black Holes are dark and dangerous holes that nothing should travel near NOT even matter should never ever venture here. This all sounds so dark and menacing but really are Black holes really dangerous? Black holes are formed when stars have reached the end of their life cycle and then die out with a huge explosion. Black holes are usually born from Supernova's. A supernova is a massive explosion that comes from the death of a red giant. Red giants are massive stars that are about 10-100 times the size of our sun. Red Giants have an earlier cycle as a Blue Giant. Blue is known to the hottest concentrated form of heat and so when a star becomes a blue giant it will burn hotter, faster and have a shorter life cycle. And so when Blue giants have burned through its life cycle it then becomes a red giant. Red Giants are the last stage in the cycle. Many people know as a fact that red is the coolest color having a cooler temperature and lasting much longer than a blue star for instance. Once a Red giant has reached its breaking point it erupts in a dazzling explosion and from there on it becomes a supernova. From a supernova as it continues getting its act together. After a certain period of time evolution takes its place and a supernova loses its gravity and then finally after long intense years it finally reaches its breaking point and becomes a black hole. From then on the forces of nature take over and the black holes is born. When many people think of black holes they only think of it as two parts the actual hole and the space around it. But that estimate by many people is wrong for a black hole is complex with many sections of it. The first major part of it is a region called "The Event Horizon" in this region anything that approaches it can only be pulled inward and can never try to resist the pull of the region. Once inside the region is will be pulled into the Ergosphere. In the ergosphere what happens is that any object that tries to stay put will be forced into a constant state of movement that will never assure that it will stay still ever again. The Ergosphere surrounds the event horizon and once an object has made entry into the event horizon this is the next stop it will take. Even though black holes sound scary, dangerous and even life threatening to many people black holes for many people are the open doorway to information that scientists for many years have been trying to get their hands on and thanks to black holes are knowledge is helping us make progress (Black Holes).

Works Cited
Black Holes. 14 Februrary 2011 .