Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The posibility of Conspiricy of the Moon Landing.

On July 20th 1969 Two astronauts by the names of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first human begins to set foot on the lunar surface for the first time in all of mankind. Many people back on Earth were glued to their TV's as they witnessed the first Americans to set foot on the soft lunar surface but while many people were excited to see such a thing happening others became suspicious. Some thought even up till today that the landing was a fake and all was a hoax put on by the US government but was it really? As the cold war was raging there was a phenomenon going on called the "Space Race". The space Race was between the US and the USSR in the 1950s the Soviets set the pressure by launching Sputnik the first ever built probe built by anyone to be launched into space. The US answered their call by launching the Apollo Missions. The Apollo missions were a series of programs that were able to make the US capable of launching probes into space and launching people into space as well. And in 1969 the World became shocked as Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong boarded Apollo 11 and landed on the moon in their probes. In every television set across the nation many heard the first words of Armstrong describing the surface and the feeling of it and as everybody listened to that they also cheered realizing that they have achieved the impossible they launched humans into space. But with the corruption of the government of the US at the time many theorists made a suggestion that the moon landing was a fake but instead a hoax put on by the government to draw peoples attention away from the nuclear threat that was going on during the cold war. But on July 20th 1969 Neil Armstrong and the rest of the crew landed safely in their module in the Pacific ocean after re entering the atmosphere. Many thought that since it was being shot live on camera many thought that all of this was acting and it is happening inside a studio in California or something like that. But really even up to this day in many interviews Armstrong and Aldrin both replied the same thing that the moon landing did occur at that time and was not a hoax put up by the government. Many consider the moon landing fake even many consider it to not have happened at all. But even today many have said the moon landing was the greatest achievement that mankind has ever done and in the words of Neil Armstrong "One small step for man, and one giant step for mankind"

Black Holes

Black Holes are dark and dangerous holes that nothing should travel near NOT even matter should never ever venture here. This all sounds so dark and menacing but really are Black holes really dangerous? Black holes are formed when stars have reached the end of their life cycle and then die out with a huge explosion. Black holes are usually born from Supernova's. A supernova is a massive explosion that comes from the death of a red giant. Red giants are massive stars that are about 10-100 times the size of our sun. Red Giants have an earlier cycle as a Blue Giant. Blue is known to the hottest concentrated form of heat and so when a star becomes a blue giant it will burn hotter, faster and have a shorter life cycle. And so when Blue giants have burned through its life cycle it then becomes a red giant. Red Giants are the last stage in the cycle. Many people know as a fact that red is the coolest color having a cooler temperature and lasting much longer than a blue star for instance. Once a Red giant has reached its breaking point it erupts in a dazzling explosion and from there on it becomes a supernova. From a supernova as it continues getting its act together. After a certain period of time evolution takes its place and a supernova loses its gravity and then finally after long intense years it finally reaches its breaking point and becomes a black hole. From then on the forces of nature take over and the black holes is born. When many people think of black holes they only think of it as two parts the actual hole and the space around it. But that estimate by many people is wrong for a black hole is complex with many sections of it. The first major part of it is a region called "The Event Horizon" in this region anything that approaches it can only be pulled inward and can never try to resist the pull of the region. Once inside the region is will be pulled into the Ergosphere. In the ergosphere what happens is that any object that tries to stay put will be forced into a constant state of movement that will never assure that it will stay still ever again. The Ergosphere surrounds the event horizon and once an object has made entry into the event horizon this is the next stop it will take. Even though black holes sound scary, dangerous and even life threatening to many people black holes for many people are the open doorway to information that scientists for many years have been trying to get their hands on and thanks to black holes are knowledge is helping us make progress (Black Holes).

Works Cited
Black Holes. 14 Februrary 2011 .

Monday, January 31, 2011

The posibilities of Life elsewhere.

With the United States successful of its probes and satellites many scientists began doing their research and work. As they started to expand their range of knowledge they started learning about the planets and what is around in our environment. With several probes launches many scientists, astronauts and other researchers began to discover moons and planets. And many began to become Frantic when they saw that some of these planets and moons has physical features that they knew could support life. Many people think that we would have to travel millions of miles even many many light years but we don't even realize that the possibilities of life on other worlds is right in our own backyard here in the solar system. Many people questions this such as "Life cannot exist in out own solar system and if it can how?" to answer mane questions like that we would have to you our knowledge and the gift of technology and use it to study these other worlds to expand are list of habitable planets. for many brilliant minds the first Candidate is our next door neighbor Mars. Mars by many is the best option because of recent satellite imagery taken by the Viking probes in the 70s and 80s. Many consider Mars to be the best choice because it has what looks like vast river systems almost similar to the ones here on earth. And as many people understand about life is that when there's water life can exist. But another interesting fact about mars is the formation known as "The face on Mars". The Face on mars was a formation in the "Cydonia" region of the planet. The Face on Mars is a land formation about 1.5 Km across or one mile across. The Face is one of the many structures in the region. Another interesting note is the pyramids located in the region. The pyramids located in the region are almost identical to the pyramids found here on earth which have many scientists scratching their heads with the same question in mind "Did another life form with artificial intelligence live here?" But for now it remains a mystery. Another candidate is Europa. Europa is one of Jupiter 16 moons and it is on the list for many reasons. At First Glance Many see dark streaks on the surface but many don't realize that that is a layer of ice and underneath that ice is a liquid ocean. Just like on Earth Europa has volcanic vents in its oceans which thermally makes the water warm but also dangerous at the same time due to the high levels of carbon monoxide in the water. Could life really exist on other planets and if so if we quickly advance our technology fast enough could we leave Earth and discover these other worlds and if so can we live there (Mars)?

Works Cited
Black Holes. 14 Februrary 2011 .
Mars. 14 February 2011 .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The origins of our universe

14 Billions years ago all was lost. Space didn't even exist nor time did and all was lost. But right at that very moment there was an explosion and in that explosion was a group of compacted stars that were very dense and had a temperature on an unimaginable scale.And so as the pressure got greater in the clump of stars the force was so great that it went up in a brilliant explosion causing the clump to go from singular to expand. And so as the explosion spread out time finally began but there was still no light in the darkness. But as we fast forward time to 300,000 years electrons combined along protons come together to form atoms. Along with space bodies being formed the combination of the atoms coming together form hydrogen and Helium particles and finally the universe has light. Next, as the Universe continued its expansion and light continued to shine one of the most universes forces began to shape and that was none other than gravity. Also with gravity taking its place many clusters of Hydrogen and Helium began forming clouds that in the near future shall form galaxies. Next, up as the clouds began forming they began taking shape into the modern day galaxies that we know today another particular change to the newly formed universe would be the rapid cooling that the universe was experiencing. Some of the stars that were born from the explosion began dying and the combination of dying stars and the clouds finally formed our galaxies after 15 billion years (Creation of a Cosmology).

61 years ago in 1950 Fred Hoyle and his colleagues have been researching the possibility of the Big bang back in that time period many considered the big band useless and science fiction and so Fred Hoyle began the research of the big bang and He struck success. 15 years later at Princeton University Bell Penizas and Robert Wilson came up with the idea that the Universe was created from a previous Universe and the old universe was compressed into a cubic space. Once in that space the pressure and temperature was so enormous that it resulted in an explosion. Up to present day there are three theories of the big bang. The first theory was the incredible bulk. The incredible bulk is when the universe when it was compacted grew to such an enormous size that it resulted in the explosion thus creating out universe. The second theory was Time. Many theorists state that time began at the exact moment of the big bang. But many other theorists disagree saying that time was still continuing even before the universe began. Many scientists believe that even though time was still continuing at the big bang many say that time stared when the big bang happened. Exactly what happened is something many scientists are still debating. The final theory is The now's have it. Many of histories great minds we're spending many years studying space. Albert Einstein with his theory of relativity was able to prove Space as one object while Issac Newton though of time as a river that stays at a constant speed. The now's have it was a theory developed by many scientists that had their own ideas/opinions of the big bang (Frank).

Creation of a Cosmology:. 27 January 2011 .
Frank, Adam. Three theories that might blow up the big bang. 27 Janurary 2011 .

Monday, January 10, 2011

Key Technological Advances of Earth and space exploration

The first Rocket was the V2 used by the German military. The first rockets were built by German Rocket engineer Werner Von Braun. Werner served the Nazi's in World War II and made the V2 Rocket which was the worlds first long range ballistic missile that cam cause severe damage to enemy military forces. After World War II Von Braun became an important rocket engineer for the US. Von Braun instantly became an important figure. With the USSR launching Sputnik 1 in 1957 the US was in a desperate state to get ahead of their Russian counterparts.Thanks to Von Braun in 1969 Von Braun made the Saturn V(Saturn five) rocket which was one of the first successful rockets ever made. But starting in 1979 NASA has began it's probing run meaning it has launched a series of probes that shall be sent into space for space exploration of our solar system and beyond. The reason being for such probes was The United States was in the Space Race with the Soviet Union. At the time The Soviet Union was one of biggest nations in the world that had an edge in technological advances. And so The United States was the USSR's rival. Starting in 1979 the US launched a series of probes that went into space and had a mission which was to explore different planes and open more of our knowledge of our solar system. As decades pass it wouldn't be until 1990 that NASA launched the Hubble space Telescope that allowed scientists to catch a glimpse of what is beyond our solar system. But it wasn't until 1998 that NASA launched the International Space Station. The ISS was a research laboratory that stayed in Earth's low orbit and collected information about other planets stars and its surrounding environment (Kauderer).
Kauderer, A. (n.d.). International Space Station. Retrieved Janurary 14, 2011, from http://www.nasa.gov: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html